Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Big Changes!

Okay so last July I moved to Spain. The plan was to get a job and work until it was time to do the Cafe thing. Since last September I've been living in Bilbao, looking for a job. To no avail. Last month I went to Barcelona and did the CELTA course to become an English teacher. I got a pass B and started the job hunt again. In addition to there being a few jobs available in Spain, and even one or 2 in Northern Spain, there were jobs available online all over the world. Out of curiosity, I sent for more details on a job in Istanbul, since I lived there before, love the city, speak Turkish etc.... Well, to make a long story short, it's now 2 and a half weeks later, I've been offered a contract in Istanbul, for a job that pays well and includes accomodation. Incidentally, I also got one of the jobs in Northern Spain, but the problem is it is for a week at a time. The contract is only for a week, if they like you they give you opportunities to work more weeks. It's a good deal, moneywise, but not very stable. They can decide at any moment to ask someone else. Not really what I need at this time!
So anyway, I leave for Istanbul on Saturday. Friday is my birthday, and it looks like I'll be spending it in Barcelona, since that's where I have to be on Saturday morning at 4:30 a.m. for check in. Why not hang out for my birthday then go? :o)
So for the next year, I will be in Istanbul. The original contract was for 9 months, but the extra 3 months is worth it for the bonus, plus, 1 year's experience teaching English is much better than 9 months!

In case it slipped by you, Friday April 8 is my birthday :o) It may be hard to get a gift to me, but if you want to send cash, I'm a PayPal user and will gladly accept :o)

Happy my-Birthday everyone!


Anonymous said...

You Lucky Girl!

Have fun in Turkey! You'll probably run into Suzan Yuksel (now married and mom-to-be). Best of luck with your new life in Turkey!


Krisia said...

Seems like the whole world is married and mom-to-be.... who is this anonymous poster?

Anonymous said...

wow!!! Turkey! and I thought you were going to be in Spain for at least another year or so! going to Haifa for a three day on your way to Turkey? good luck! dude... i agree.. everyone and their dog is getting married and having a baby...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Krisia!

And just in case you forgot, I am not a mother to be.

